
Madstunbua (Rorbu 3)
Probably the oldest barn in Stavang, from the farm Helmers and from the end of the 18th century, in 2019 the building was completely renovated, but the old gates and building parts have been preserved.

Markabua (Rorbu 4)
Originally this rorbua belonged to the farm Markane, but the old bua is no longer there and today this is a rorbua from the 1990s, which was completely restored in 2020.

Teigabua (Rorbu 1- 1st floor)
Originally this rorbua belonged to the farm Teigane, but the old bua is no longer there and today this is a rorbua from the 1990s, which was restored in 2018 and with two floors it has an apartment on each floor.

Teigabua (Rorbu 2 - 2nd floor)
Originally this rorbua belonged to the farm Teigane, but the old bua is no longer there and today this is a rorbua from the 1990s, which was restored in 2018 and with two floors it has an apartment on each floor.